Friday, August 21, 2009

Help with removing rootkit?

so apparently i have two rootkit files on my computer

they have been detected by spy sweeper and trend micro antivirus (which were recommended to me by best buy) but for some reason they will not get rid of them.

after having surfed the forums on how to get rid of them i tried out bleeping computer and avg free anti-rootkit

with avg antirootkit it came up with 14000+ hidden files and i am unsure wether to delete them all. does anyone know of a free anti-virus, trojan, rootkit or whatever i have that can get rid of these things?

i also downloaded avg antivirus and that scan came up with nothing although it was not an in depth scan

thanks in advance

Help with removing rootkit?suzuki

spysweeper and trend micro thow off false positives sometimes for root kits......when u ran avg anti rootkit did u disable ur anti-virus and spyware programs while scanning as well as browsers/ is important taht u do so

i would recommend sophos anti rootkit or rootkit revealer w/out anything else running then if anything is found go on their anti-rootkit forum and sek answers they will b better equipped to assist u there.........

Help with removing rootkit?virus

ur computer is infected by spyware/adwares/malwares, these spyware and adwares r used by web masters to advertise thier website using trojans, when ur pc is infected, trojans will show pop ups in ur pc and alert messages, AVG is anti virus tool its not a spyware removal tools that why AVG is unable to remove spyware rootkit from ur pc, anyhow it can detect it and identify it only as spyware is a virus, dont b worried, spyware can be removed using spyware removal tools,u can download spyware killer and adware removals tools from the google link below
I would suggest getting Ad-Aware from (it is free).

Also try running the "free scan" on McAfee's website.

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