My boyfriend and I have similar set ups on our computers at the moment, both running without antivirus (his ran out and mine was not on the internet until recently. The problem is we both play World of Warcraft and when downloading patches his doesnt register a firewall, but mine does. The window's XP firewall isnt set up on either system, so why do I have a firewall and he doesnt?
No Anti Virus, Firewalls, why does one comp recognise a firewall and another not?download
No firewalls, no anti-virius ... and now some-one saying 'put in on the DMZ'.
Do you know long it is before an unprotected PC is hi-jacked ? Answer about 15 mins.
I bet your PC's have every virus known to man and are allready sending virus loaded emails to all your friends - and I bet every keystroke is being copied to some scum in Nigeria and you don't even know it ...
I hope you don't use your PC for eBay, on-line banking, email or anything else that requires a user name/password because these will already be in the hands of the criminals.
It's like leaving you front door open and putting up a big sign "come in and look around" .. when your Bank Accounts are empty and you Credit Cards are maxed out by some-one in Lagos or Moscow, don't come crying here
No Anti Virus, Firewalls, why does one comp recognise a firewall and another not?hijackthis
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